Thankful Thursday

Today has been a very trying day, emotionally or mentally speaking. All day it has been like I was stuck in one place. It was just like I couldn't function. I take that back, I was able to muster enough strength, energy, motivation, I don't know whatever you want to call it to make some whole wheat sugar letter cookies for Michael. Okay, there is another truth that I stretched. . . just a little. They were for me and Josh, only because Michael has a super sweet tooth and it is never satisfied, he loves sugar. Grrr, there went the first year and a half to two years of being very strict on his sugar consumption. Whatever, children will be children, in some cases I suppose. Anyhow, instead of just laying around and wasting my night on Netflix I took the initiative to be some what productive. Ha, I'm blogging. I guess its a matter of opinion. Anyways, due to a challenge we were given last Thursday by SortaSuperMom, I am going to tell you why I am thankful. Even though most of my day was filled with an empty nastiness. Hebrews 12:28 says, "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, 29 for our “God is a consuming fire." I know my small list of things that I am thankful on earth don't even come close to what my God is building up for me on heaven. Nonetheless He has given to me everything, and that is enough. I'm sorry, I digress, here is my list. I could probably search for enough things to keep you reading for hours, however, I will limit my list to ten gifts.

1. My diaper sprayer attached to the back of my toilet: I'm sorry but it is a great thing to not have to hold poopy diapers under the bathtub faucet.

2. Hot water finally being hooked up to our washing machine: Yay! My cloth diaper cleaning techniques are advancing.

3. Caillou on Netflix. I know I am a mediocre to bad parent for letting Michael watch Caillou all day, but it really has helped keep him out of trouble, so I could get a little bit of a break today.

4. God's promise to bring a new day. . . tomorrow. I can't imagine having two days in a row like today.

5. Wonderful friends who text me out of the blue: Toni, and another dear friend. Both of them, like all of my friends, were very encouraging, today especially.

6. McDonald's grilled caesar salad: Oh there was no way I was cooking tonight.

7. My husband's ability to work late when he needs to: Yeah, I know he's missing out on family time. But there will be over time on the paycheck and I have the opportunity to blog, guilt free.

8. 8:30 bed times: Today was moving in slow motion, so bedtime was great.

9. Baby kisses: Meghan was giving kisses like crazy tonight. Her kisses are completely opposite of Michaels. Michael gives very sweet, respectable, closed mouth kisses. But Meghan, no she has to try to lick you, but it is so cute. I don't mind wiping my face off every time.

10. My big comfy bed: When I finish everything I need to do tonight I am going to bed and I'm going to pray for a better tomorrow, or at least the strength to put up a better fight against whatever this is staring me in the face.

. . . I think I hear my pillow calling me now. Soon that distant calling will be a sigh, "Oh, finally you are here."

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Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you had such an awful day!! We all have to have them from time to time. 8:30 bedtimes are awesome! School starts up again next week, and I'm so looking forward to those predictable bedtimes =)

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