What A Good Night
Whenever I come to start a post I spent a little bit of time looking at the stats. Honestly, I have no idea why I am so obsessed with numbers. Its kind of funny.
After Michael went to bed, me and Josh got to spend time together, talking, and we didn't fight once. It was great. It actually feels like we have made some progress on the mile long list of things that we need to discuss. We decided that we were not going to lead our babies through life believing in Santa Claus. Yay. Why can't we teach our children that we don't need imaginary people to give us what we want for Christmas? Wouldn't it be an even greater life lesson to be taught that the people who love you will take the time and consideration to give you something that you want or may want? Yes, I know Santa should represent childlike innocence and whatever, but isn't that what playing dress up, having tea parties, and child sword play is for? And those activities aren't limited to one day a year.
I have realized that I am a baby snob. Don't worry let me explain. For the past day and in a half I have been watching our friend's daughter. And she was not on any kind of schedule. Not that I believe that babies should be put on a time determined schedule, like wise, I don't think babies should be totally fed by demand either. Due to a friend with baby experience (Please excuse the free advertising: h) helping us out when we had Michael in 2008, we started using the PDF(parent determined feeding) schedule. It is better described in the book, Becoming Baby Wise, but the idea is to consider a babies hunger queues while looking at the clock as a guide. The pattern for PDF is first the baby eats, then the baby plays, and finally the baby sleeps. Most other feeding and napping techniques re-arrange the order, typically the baby will play, eat, and then sleep Meghan is our second baby we are using this technique on and she has been sleeping through the night since about eight weeks old. Of course her night starts at 10 o'clock. We give her her first bottle of 4 ounces at 7:00 in the morning. Then we proceed to feed her every three hours. About 1.5 to 2 hours between feeding she spends sleeping, at least for now. PDF is supposed to help regulate the babies metabolism and sleep patterns. If Meghan is off the schedule she will usually tell me that she wants to get back on it with her RAM (rapid arm movement). She can cry that she is hungry without having to exercise her lungs, its so cute. Ahhh, I am a mother of a 10 week old and I get to go to bed with out fear that I probably will not get woken up in the middle of the night by her screaming. I am so thankful for that. Seriously, if you are interested in PDF, you should get the book On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep (On Becoming. . .) by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam . So as you can see my need for a schedule, and how I'm not a big fan of demand feeding. Oh well, it was interesting to say the least, as I knew it would be.
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