Its the most wonderful time of the year.

Last Friday me and a couple of friends got together for a cookie baking and card making party. We made about sixteen dozen cookies and 37 homemade cards for the pediatric acute care department of UVA. The cards were for the patients on the floor, and the cookies were for the patients' family and nurses and other staff of the floor. It was great. I made whole wheat chocolate cookies. The recipe makes a little over three dozen. Here is the recipe.

Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies
-1 cup of applesauce(no sugar added is the best)
-3/4 of a cup of brown sugar
-1/2 cup of white sugar
-1 teaspoon vanilla extract
-1 egg
-2 cups of whole wheat flour
-1 teaspoon baking soda
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-1 bag of chocolate chips

Directions: Mix first four ingredients, beat in egg, mix flour, baking soda, and salt in a seperate bowl, add it to applesauce mixture. finally add the chocolate chips. Bake for ten minutes on 350 degrees.

I love these cookies, they stay very moist, Josh said that they remind him of cake. You guys should try them. One of my friends, Yaz, made a Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Cookie, these were also very amazing. She should be writing about them soon, go here to read about them. I will link to them later.

Anyways, in other good news, I'm really looking forward to working for a friend in the very new future. We have a friend who owns his own buiness, and I will be working as his accountant/bookkeeper. Woohoo. I will be able to work from home after nine o'clock when Michael goes to bed. Yay.

Today we kind of celebrated Christmas at home, well we gave the babies their Christmas presents before we came up to Charlottesville. It was cool. Michael got a Radio Flyer tricycle. I love it. Its made of metal and plastic. In the back there is a plastic bucket with a lid, its perfect, I told Josh in my awww! voice of course, "He can take his milk with him." I love it. And so does Michael. It was so funny when Josh pushed Michael around the house chasing our dog Cocoa, I love to hear my babies laugh. Anyhow, I'm sure Michael will tear the red and white tassles off before too long, and possible try to feed them to the dog. But it will still be great for our walks starting in the spring. We can walk around the neighborhood and Michael can ride his trike, awww, its such a cute idea, I can't wait. All we need to do is get him a helmet. On the not so fun side of openning Christmas gifts, we thought that it would be a good idea to let Michael open Meghan's gifts. Yeah, that didn't work too well. He didn't want to give Meghan her glowing sea horse. He cried. By the way, way to go Fisher Price. The sea horse plays Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee, if I'm not mistaken. I'm surprised and impressed that this toy is still on the store shelves. I can't wait to talk about the other gifts that we are making for Christmas, only three more days. Again, yay! I'm so happy and thankful that we get to enjoy the rest of the week up here in Charlottesville with our families.

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope that this Christmas, despite how downsized it may be, becomes one of your best Christmases ever. Maybe we (society) can survive this year without maxing out our credit cards just to pretend to make ourselves happy with a living rooms filled with stuff. Maybe we can learn from the increasing unemployment, home forclosures, and cost of living in general that we don't need so much extra. I don't know. Maybe. . .

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